jq: Sorting JSON objects

jq: Sorting JSON objects

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Table of Contents

Sort objects by attribute value

Use jq 'sort_by(.my_attribute):

Example: sort objects by attribute attr_2

  • Input:

        "attr_1": "foo",
        "attr_2": 1
        "attr_1": "baz",
        "attr_2": 3
        "attr_1": "bar",
        "attr_2": 2
  • Command

    $ cat objects.json | jq 'sort_by(.attr_2)'

  • Output

        "attr_1": "foo",
        "attr_2": 1
        "attr_1": "bar",
        "attr_2": 2
        "attr_1": "baz",
        "attr_2": 3

Sort objects by attribute value, reverse

To sort objects in descending order instead use: jq 'sort_by(.my_attribute) | reverse'

Example: sort objects by attribute attr_2, in descending order

  • Input:

        "attr_1": "foo",
        "attr_2": 1
        "attr_1": "baz",
        "attr_2": 3
        "attr_1": "bar",
        "attr_2": 2
  • Command

    $ cat objects.json | jq 'sort_by(.attr_2) | reverse'

  • Output

        "attr_1": "baz",
        "attr_2": 3
        "attr_1": "bar",
        "attr_2": 2
        "attr_1": "foo",
        "attr_2": 1

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