Pandas for Large Data: Examples and Tips

Pandas for Large Data: Examples and Tips

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Table of Contents

WIP Alert This is a work in progress. Current information is correct but more content may be added in the future.

Use small data types

Use df.dtypes to see what your dataframe dtypes look like

Pandas sometimes defaults to unnecessarily large datatypes.

Use the smallest dtypes you possibly can such as:

  • 'uint8' instead of 'int32' or 'int64'

  • 'float32' instead of 'float64'

  • 'category' instead 'object' for categorical data

Delete objects from memory

Delete DataFrames and other variables you will not use anymore using:

  • del(my_df) deletes the reference to your variable

  • gc.collect() explictly frees memory space.


import gc
import pandas as pd

df1 = load_data()
df1_processed = process_df(df1)

# df1 is not needed anymore

# you'll have more memory to load other dataframes
df2 = load_data_2()
// ...

Do joins chunk by chunk

Perform large, complex joins in parts to avoid exploding memory usage:

# split dataframe indices into parts
indexes = np.linspace(0, len(second_df), num=10, dtype=np.int32)

# update in small portions
for i in range(len(indexes)-1):
    my_df = pd.concat(
            my_df, # the same DF
                            left=second_df.loc[indexes[i]:indexes[i+1], :],

Use vectorized numpy functions when possible

For example, use DataFrame.apply instead of to create derived columns and/or to operate on columns:

Time comparison: create a dataframe with 10,000,000 rows and multiply a numeric column by 2

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

# create a sample dataframe with 10,000,000 rows
df = pd.DataFrame({
    'x': np.random.normal(loc=0.0, scale=1.0, size=10000000)

sample-dataframe Sample dataframe for benchmarking
(top 5 rows shown only)

Using map function multiply 'x' column by 2

def multiply_by_two_map(x):
    return x*2

df['2x_map'] = df['x'].map(multiply_by_two)
# >>> CPU times: user 14.4 s, sys: 300 ms, total: 14.7 s
# >>> Wall time: 14.7 s

Using apply function multiply 'x' column by 2

import numpy as np

def multiply_by_two(arr):
    return np.multiply(arr,2)

# note the double square brackets around the 'x'!!
# this is because we want to use DataFrame.apply,
# not Series.apply!!
df['2x_apply'] = df[['x']].apply(multiply_by_two)
# >>> CPU times: user 80 ms, sys: 112 ms, total: 192 ms
# >>> Wall time: 188 ms

map-vs-apply-dataframe Both map and apply yielded the same results
but the apply version was around
70 times faster!

Parallel apply with swifter

see pandas column operations: map vs apply for a comparison between map and apply

The full comparison code is on this notebook

Swifter is a library that aims to parallelize Pandas apply whenever possible.

It is not always the case that using swifter is faster than a simple Series.

Dataframe.apply Series.apply Dataframe.apply (Swifter) Series.apply (swifter)
Vectorizable operations0.5 secs6 secs0.3 secs0.2 secs
Number to string24 secs137 secs
Simple if-then-else4.5 secs3 secs

Parallel dataframe processing with multiprocessing

All chunks must fit in memory at the same time!

Spawn multiple Python processes and have each of them process a chunk of a large dataframe.

This will reduce the processing time by half or even more, depending on the number of processe you use.

All code available on this jupyter notebook

Example: use 8 cores to process a text dataframe in parallel.

  • Step 1: put all processing logic into a single function:

    import pandas as pd
    # this is an example of common operations you have to perform on text
    # data to go from raw text to clean text you can use for modelling
    def process_df_function(df):
      output_df = df.copy()
      # replace weird double quotes with normal ones
      output_df['text']      = output_df['text'].apply(lambda text: text.replace("``",'"'))
      # text to lower case
      output_df['text']      = output_df['text'].apply(lambda text: text.lower())
      # replace number with a special token
      output_df['text']      = output_df['text'].apply(lambda text: re.sub(r"\b\d+\b","tok_num", text))
      # get the number of words in each text
      output_df['num_words'] = output_df['text'].apply(lambda text: len(re.split(r"(?:\s+)|(?:,)|(?:\-)",text)))   
      # take out texts that are too large
      indices_to_remove_too_large = output_df[output_df['num_words'] > 50]
      output_df.drop(indices_to_remove_too_large.index, inplace=True)
      # or too small
      indices_to_remove_too_small = output_df[output_df['num_words'] < 10]
      output_df.drop(indices_to_remove_too_small.index, inplace=True)    
      output_df.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True)
      return output_df
  • Step 2: Use multiprocessing.Pool to distribute the work over multiple processes

    import multiprocessing
    import numpy as np
    import pandas as pd
    # load raw data into a dataframe
    raw_df = load_data("path/to/dataset")
    NUM_CORES = 8
    # split the raw dataframe into chunks
    df_chunks = np.array_split(raw_df ,NUM_CORES)
    # use a pool to spawn multiple proecsses
    with multiprocessing.Pool(NUM_CORES) as pool:
      # concatenate all processed chunks together.
      # process_df_function is the function you defined in the previous block
      processed_df = pd.concat(, df_chunks), ignore_index=True)

Other info