
technology   data-science

Data-related Job Descriptions: Making of a Data Team

19 Mar 2017   A simple description of some common job titles / positions of may come across when looking at the data work landscape. See what positions may be best suited for yourself and your company.

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Scikit-Learn Cheatsheet: Reference and Examples

10 Mar 2017   Just a couple of things you may find yourself doing over and over again when working with scikit-learn.

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postgres sql ubuntu

PostgreSQL Common Operations: Reference + Examples

10 Mar 2017   Common operations you may first yourself doing over and over again when dealing with PostgreSQL databases. Unless otherwise stated, examples assume version 9 or later, running on Ubuntu.

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neural-nets performance

Tricks for Training Neural Nets Faster

20 Feb 2017   Tricks and Practical tips for training neural nets faster. Credit is mostly to Geoff Hinton and Yann LeCun.

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technology   octave ubuntu

Error when running plot on Octave: Xlib extension GLX missing on display

07 Feb 2017   The easiest way to fix this problem is to configure Octave to use gnuplot instead of OpenGL.

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python json

Python Json Module: Reference and Examples

16 Jan 2017   Examples and best practices for using the python json module. Includes common operations such as reading, writing and formatting as well as solutions to common problems.

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spark architecture

Apache Spark Architecture Overview: Jobs, Stages, Tasks, etc

03 Jan 2017   Quick overview of the main architecture components involved in running spark jobs, so you can better understand how to make the best possible use of resources.

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technology   hadoop hdfs

HDFS Commands: Reference and Examples

25 Dec 2016   List of HDFS commands for filesystem management, along with common use cases.

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