Evaluation Metrics for Regression Problems: Quick examples + Reference
Last updated:Table of Contents
- MAE (Mean Squared Error)
- R2 (r-squared)
- MAPE (Mean absolute percentage error)
- Median Absolute Error
- Spearman's Rho
WIP Alert This is a work in progress. Current information is correct but more content may be added in the future.
For evaluation metrics to be used in classification problems, see instead: Evaluation Metrics for Classification Problems: Quick Examples + References
MAE (Mean Squared Error)
R2 (r-squared)
R2 is one of several goodnes-of-fit measures.
It measures how much of the variance of the target variable is explainable by the trained model.
R2=Variance (of target variable) which can be explained by the modeltotal variance of the target variable
R-squared ranges between 0 (model doesn't explain any variance) and 1 (all variance of the target variable is explainable by the model)
Biased models (i.e. ones that consistently err "up" or "down") can still have high R-squared values!
MAPE (Mean absolute percentage error)
Median Absolute Error
TODO http://scikit-learn.org/stable/modules/model_evaluation.html#median-absolute-error
Spearman's Rho