Python: Working with Paths & the Filesystem

Python: Working with Paths & the Filesystem

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Table of Contents

All examples assume Python 3.6+ running on a Unix-based system (unless otherwise stated)

Absolute path of current file

import os


Relative to absolute path (file location)

This will not warn you if the resolved path is not valid!

Relative to where the current file is located.

Use os.path.abspath, and prepend __file__+"/" to the relative path:

import os

# path is relative to the directory where THIS file
# is located!
abs_path = os.path.abspath(__file__+"/../../other-dir")

Relative to absolute path (working dir)

This will not warn you if the resolved path is not valid!

See also Relative to absolute path (current file location)

Relative to the directory you called the script from.

import os

# path is relative to the current WORKING directory!
abs_path = os.path.abspath("../../other-dir")

Relative to absolute path in Jupyter

"NameError: name '__file__' is not defined"

In jupyter notebooks, you must use "__file__" (in quotes) instead:

import os

# on a jupyter notebook
abs_path = os.path.abspath("__file__"+"/../../other-dir")

File name from path

Use os.path.basename(<full-path-to-file>)

import os

# >>> "file.txt"

Directory path from file name

Trailing slash is not included.

Use os.path.dirname(<full-path-to-file>):

import os

# >>> "/path/to/some"

Check if path is relative

This does not check if the path exists!

To check if a given string is an absolute path, use os.path.isabs(path_string):

import os

# relative path
# >>> False

# relative path
# >>> False

# absolute path
# >>> True

Current working directory

The current working directory (also called CWD) is the directory the script was called from.

import os


Current file directory

Trailing slash is not included.

The directory where the file is located:

import os


Add relative path to import path

To add a relative path to the import path, use sys.path.insert() and os,path.abspath() as follows:

import os
import sys

sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath(__file__+"../relative/path/to/mymodule"))
# you can now import anything from mymodule

Add path to import path

Use sys.path.insert(0,absolute_path_to_directory)

import sys

sys.path.insert(0, "/absolute/path/to/mymodule")
# you can now import stuff from mymodule

Add directory to system PATH

That is, the PATH environment variable, not the python import path!

import os

os.environ["PATH"] += os.pathsep + "/path/to/directory"

NameError: name '__file__' is not defined

This usually happens in jupyter notebooks. See Relative to absolute path in Jupyter notebooks