Spark Dataframe Examples: Pivot and Unpivot Data

Spark Dataframe Examples: Pivot and Unpivot Data

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Examples use Spark version 2.4.3 and the Scala API

View all examples on a jupyter notebook here: pivot-unpivot.ipynb

Pivot vs Unpivot

Pivot Unpivot
Turn tall dataframes
into wide dataframes
Wide dataframes
into tall dataframes
Turn rows into columnsTurn columns into rows

Here's a rough explanation for what both operations achieve:

  • Pivot: Turn rows into columns.

  • Unpivot: Turn columns into rows.

Pivot with .pivot()

val sourceDf = Seq(
    ("john", "notebook", 2),
    ("gary", "notebook", 3),
    ("john", "small phone", 2),
    ("mary", "small phone", 3),
    ("john", "large phone", 3),
    ("john", "camera", 3)
).toDF("salesperson","device", "amount sold")

val sourceDf = unpivotedDf
    .sum("amount sold")

original-dataframe BEFORE: Each fact is on a
separate row
pivoted-dataframe AFTER PIVOTING: Each different device
gets a column and aggregates (in this
case sum) are shown

Unpivot with selectExpr and stack

Unpivot is the inverse transformation for pivot.

There's no equivalent dataframe operator for the unpivot operation, we must use selectExpr() along with the stack builtin.

Template: df.selectExpr("stack(<n_columns>, <col0_label>, <col0_value>, <col1_label>, <col1_value> ...)")

// using Option[Int] to help spark's type inference
val sourceDf = Seq(
    ("gary",None,   None,   Some(3),None),
    ("mary",None,   None,   None,   Some(3)),
).toDF("salesperson", "camera", "large phone", "notebook", "small phone")

// select the row label column (salesperson) and apply unpivot in the other columns
val unpivotedDf = sourceDf
    .withColumnRenamed("col0","device") // default name of this column is col0
    .withColumnRenamed("col1","amount_sold") // default name of this column is col1
    .filter($"amount_sold".isNotNull) // must explicitly remove nulls

original-dataframe BEFORE: data is spread across columns
unpivoted-dataframe AFTER UNPIVOTING: a row has been created for each
combination of the row label and the
stacked columns

Heads-up: Pivot with no value columns trigger a Spark action

Action is
No action
df.groupBy('a').pivot('b')df.groupBy('a').pivot('b', Seq('c','d','e'))

The pivot operation turns row values into column headings.

If you call method pivot with a pivotColumn but no values, Spark will need to trigger an action1 because it can't otherwise know what are the values that should become the column headings.

In order to avoid an action to keep your operations lazy, you need to provide the values you want to pivot over, by passing the values argument.

1: Spark Architecture Overview: Clusters, Jobs, Stages, Tasks