Splunk examples: Dealing with null/empty values
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Splunk version used: 8.x. Examples use the tutorial data from Splunk
Field is null
There are easier ways to do this (using regex), this is just for teaching purposes
It's a bit confusing but this is one of the most robust patterns to filter NULL-ish values in splunk, using a combination of eval
and if
| eval field_missing=if( (len(fieldname)=0 OR fieldname="" OR isnull(fieldname)), 1, 0)
Example: try to extract an IP from the body and flag the rows where it's missing or empty
index="tutorialdata" sourcetype="secure-2"
| rex "(?<ip>\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3})"
| eval ip_missing=if( (len(ip)=0 OR ip="" OR isnull(ip)), 1, 0)

will be
, then you can filter by that (see below)
Where field is null
Same as above, with an extra search
at the end:
| eval fieldname_missing=if( (len(fieldname)=0 OR fieldname="" OR isnull(fieldname)), 1, 0)
| search fieldname_missing=1
Example: Select rows where ip
is null, empty or missing:
index="tutorialdata" sourcetype="secure-2"
| rex "(?<ip>\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3})"
| eval ip_missing=if( (len(ip)=0 OR ip="" OR isnull(ip)), 1, 0)
| search ip_missing=1

Rate of missing values
A bit similar to the above, just plot the avg of the field
Example: Plot the missing rate for ip
per unit time
index="tutorialdata" sourcetype="secure-2"
| rex "(?<ip>\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3})"
| eval ip_missing=if( (len(ip)=0 OR ip="" OR isnull(ip)), 1, 0)
| timechart avg(ip_missing) as ip_missing_rate