Splunk Examples: Manipulating Text and Strings
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All examples use the tutorial data from Splunk running on a local Splunk version
Field Starts with
Use where
with like
Example: filter rows where field AcctID
starts "87"
| where AcctID like "87%"
Just use
| where
together with like
Field Ends with
Again, just use where
with like
but the "%"
character is now on the left:
Example: filter rows where field AcctID
ends in "48"
| where AcctID like "%48"
Similarly to the previous entry, but now using
on the left
Field contains string
As you would expect, we can also use where
with like
to match both sides, effectively having a contains behaviour:
Example: filter rows where field AcctID
contains the string "94"
| where AcctID like "%94%"
Blow the dust off your SQL knowledge, you can use it in splunk too!
Use substr(<field>, <start>, <end>)
Example: Extract the end of the string in field somefield
, starting at index 23 (until 99)
| eval newfield=substr(somefield, 23, 99)
Substring, split by character