Git Examples: Reverting a File from a Branch

Git Examples: Reverting a File from a Branch

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Git version 2.x used

Revert file from branch

Use git checkout to retrieve a file from my-other-branch

$ git checkout my-other-branch -- path/to/file

Revert file from remote branch (using git log and checkout)

  • Retrieve the last commit hash of the remote branch

    $ git log origin/main
    commit 123456abcde (origin/main, origin/HEAD, main)
    Author: John Doe <>
    Date:   Mon Jul 3 12:44:25 2023 -0300
    some commit message
  • Revert file to that commit hash with git checkout (like Restore file from Previous commit)

    $ git checkout 123456abcde -- path/to/your/file

Revert file from remote branch (using fetch and checkout)

  • Use git fetch to make sure your local branches are up to date

    $ git fetch --all
  • Then just use checkout to reset the file to origin/my-other-branch

    $ git checkout origin/my-other-branch -- path/to/your/file