Pandas Query Examples: SQL-like queries in dataframes

Pandas Query Examples: SQL-like queries in dataframes

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Pandas v1.x used. See all examples on this jupyter notebook

Why use query

Because it enables you to create views and filters inplace.

It is also faster than pure python for numerical operations.1

import pandas as pd

# using filters needs two steps
# one to assign the dataframe to a variable
df = pd.DataFrame({

# another one to perform the filter

But you can define the dataframe and query on it in a single step (memory gets freed at once because you didn't create any temporary variables)

# this is equivalent to the code above
# and uses no intermediate variables
}).query("country == 'USA'")

Python variable

To reference external variables in the query, use @variable_name:

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

df = pd.DataFrame({

target_age = 45

df.query('age == @target_age')

OR operator

Just use or. Don't forget parentheses.

import pandas as pd

df = pd.DataFrame({
    'country':['USA','UK', 'USA'],

df.query("(name=='john') or (country=='UK')")

source-dataframe Before: Source dataframe
after-filter-or-operator After: only rows where name is 'john'
or country is 'UK'

AND operator

Just use and. Don't forget parentheses.

import pandas as pd

df = pd.DataFrame({
    'country':['USA','UK', 'USA'],

df.query("(country=='USA') and (age==23)")

Source-dataframe Source Dataframe with all rows
after-and-operator-filter After: only one row has
country='USA' and
age =23

Multiple Conditions

See and operator and or operator above for more examples

  • Example: AND operator

df.query((col1 == 1) and (col2 == 2))

  • Example: OR operator

df.query((col1 == 1) or (col2 == 2))

Value in array

Put values in a python array and use in @myvar:

import pandas as pd

df = pd.DataFrame({
    'country':['USA','UK', 'USA'],

names_array = ['john','anna']

df.query('name in @names_array')

source-dataframe Source dataframe
where-column-is-in-array Rows where name in ['john', 'anna']

Not in array

Put values in a python array and use not in @myvar:

import pandas as pd

df = pd.DataFrame({
    'country':['USA','UK', 'USA'],

invalid_array = ['anna']

df.query('name not in @invalid_array')

source-dataframe Source dataframe: all rows
where-column-not-in-array Selected rows where name not in ['anna']

Escape column name

To escape special characters such as whitespace, wrap column names in backticks: '`'

df = pd.DataFrame({
    'country of birth':['USA','UK', 'USA'],

df.query('`country of birth` == "UK"')

source-dataframe Source dataframe: one of the column
names has spaces in it
after-filter-column-name-spaces Selected rows where
country of origin equals 'UK'

Is null

note the use of engine='python'

To filter the dataframe where a column value is NULL, use .isnull()

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

df = pd.DataFrame({

df.query('country.isnull()', engine='python')

original-dataframe Original Dataframe
query-where-is-null Equivalent to:
"where country is NULL"

Is not null

note the use of engine='python'

Use .notnull()

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

df = pd.DataFrame({

df.query('country.notnull()', engine='python')

original-dataframe Original Dataframe
query-where-is-null Equivalent to:
"where country is NOT NULL"


Although like is not supported as a keyword in query, we can simulate it using col.str.contains("pattern"):

import pandas as pd

df = pd.DataFrame({


source-dataframe Source dataframe
after-query-like Result: filter where col1 matches "ba"

TypeError: unhashable type: 'Series'

Pass engine="python" as parameter:

df.query("....", engine="python")

1 It uses numexpr under the hood: