
technology   reminder hierarchy clustering

Quick Reminder: Clustering

29 Jul 2017   Quick reminder on key points regarding clustering (hierarchical and otherwise)

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nodejs npm ubuntu

Install NodeJS and NPM on Ubuntu

28 Jul 2017   Installing the latest NPM + NodeJS on Ubuntu

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python pickle

Python Pickle: examples and reference

12 Jul 2017   Pickle is a well-known Python tool for saving arbitrary variable contents into file. Here are a couple of examples and tips on how you can use it to make your data science work more efficient and easily reproducible.

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technology   codebuild codepipeline docker beanstalk continuous-integration continuous-deployment

Using AWS CodePipeline to Automatically Deploy and Build your App Stored on Github as a Docker-based Beanstalk Application

07 Jul 2017   A full guide on how to set up a continuous deployment pipeline using GitHub and AWS CodePipeline, in order to deploy a Docker-based Beanstalk Application.

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testing scala

Scala Testing with Scalatest: Reference and Examples

06 Jul 2017   Simple examples using ScalaTest to test your Scala projects. Full introduction and examples of all major testing styles supported by this framework.

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spark nullpointerexception

Debugging NullPointerException in Apache Spark

04 Jun 2017   A lot of things can go wrong when writing distributed code in Spark. Here's a couple of ways to work around/debug NullPointerExceptions.

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7zip linux

7z: 7zip Usage Examples on Linux

03 Jun 2017   Examples on how to use 7zip to extract and compress data on Linux.

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machine-learning data-science best-practices

Machine Learning and Data Science: Generally Applicable Tips and Tricks

18 May 2017   A couple of general, practical tips and tricks that may be used when dealing with data science and/or machine learning problems.

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technology   golang ubuntu 16

Installing and Configuring Golang 1.8 on Ubuntu 16.04

24 Apr 2017   Short guide to installing and configuring Go v1.8 on Ubuntu 16.04.

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LaTeX: Table Examples

08 Apr 2017   Couple of examples on how to achieve certain table layouts in LaTeX and platforms that support it, such as ShareLaTeX and Overleaf.

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