

Splunk Examples: Calculating Ratios Between Events

14 Sep 2022   Splunk examples on how to take data from several sources and combine them to calculate ratios or percentages between one event and the other, relative counts, etc.

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Splunk Examples: Manipulating Text and Strings

12 Sep 2022   Examples on how to perform common operations on strings within splunk queries.

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qpdf Examples: Merging, Splitting, Compressing PDF Files

01 Aug 2022   Examples on common operations you may want to do on PDF files using qpdf. Examples from unix-like systems.

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matplotlib pandas

Pandas Dataframe examples: Plotting Histograms

31 Jul 2022   Several examples on how to draw histograms based on pandas dataframes.

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Action-based VS Process-based Solutions to Problems

24 Jul 2022   Solving a problem once is very different from setting up a system that ensures the problem gets addressed consistently. In other words, solving problems in the small is different from solving those very problems "in the large", at scale.

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Git Examples: Comparing Branches, locally and remotely

24 Jul 2022   Comparing and diffing code across branches and working directories on git.

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Splunk Examples: Renaming/Replacing Fields and Values

13 Jun 2022   Renaming and replacing fields, values, etc on Splunk. Examples and reference using the tutorial data from the docs.

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Pandas Examples: Looping over Dataframe Rows

13 Jun 2022   Everything you need to know about how to loop and/or iterate over rows in a pandas dataframe, as efficiently as possible.

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spark datetime

Spark SQL date/time Arithmetic examples: Adding, Subtracting, etc

12 Jun 2022   Examples on how to subtract, add dates and timestamps in Spark SQL Dataframes, along with a summary.

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java spark

Java.sql for Spark Scala: Examples using Dates, Times, etc

31 May 2022   Common operations to make use of java.sql Date/Time classes, convert to/from java.time Classes, etc.

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