
technology   play 2 json

Fully Customized Json Validators for the Play 2 Framework: Explanation and Example

05 Jan 2016   Play 2 Allows a lot of flexibility for defining custom rules for JSON validation but if you want full control over how JSON is validated against a case class (including conditions that depend on more than one attribute and custom error messages) you need to write custom readers for your classes.

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technology   consistency usability robustness ux best practices ui

Usability Best Practices for the Busy Programmer: Two Principles to Keep in Mind

30 Dec 2015   Here I'll explain two things you (in the very least) need to take into account in order to have systems you create be efficiently used by your end users.

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java 8 datetime scala

Java 8 Timezones: Examples in Scala

23 Dec 2015   Many Scala examples of the new Java 8 java.time API, focusing on ways to deal with and encode Timezone information in your objects.

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pandas python

Pandas DataFrame by Example

15 Dec 2015   Lots of examples of ways to use one of the most versatile data structures in the whole Python data analysis stack. Learn how to slice and dice, select and perform commonly used operations on DataFrames.

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One-Hot Encoding a Feature on a Pandas Dataframe: Examples

27 Nov 2015   One-hot encoding is a simple way to transform categorical features into vectors that are easy to deal with. Learn how to do this on a Pandas DataFrame.

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technology   aws emr spark

Creating a Spark Cluster on AWS EMR: a Tutorial

10 Nov 2015   AWS now provides full support for Spark Clusters within Elastic MapReduce (EMR). It's very simples and you just need a couple of minutes to learn how to do it.

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